Sunday, September 14, 2014

Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature by Joyce Sidman (Illustrated by Beth Krommes)

Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature is a non-fiction picturebook, written by Joyce Sidman and illustrated by Beth Krommes. Swirl by Swirl explores various spirals found in nature; from sleeping chipmunks, to snail shells, to swirling-whirling waves.

   Joyce Sidman has created a poem to teach children about nature. The book is not an anthology, rather one short poem, spread over numerous pages.

   This work of poetry is a work of non-fiction. The educational aspects of the book are ideal for Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

   Each page includes beautiful illustrations by Beth Krommes that depict various animals, plants, and natural events that enhance and draw from Sidman's poem. Krommes' illustrations are unique. She uses scratchboard to mimic the look of a wood engraving. The illustrations are what really bring this book to life.

For Teachers: 

   Swirl by Swirl is ideal for a Kindergarten and First Grade classroom; however it can be utilized in a Second and Third grade classroom as well. Various aspects of nature and shapes can be explored further through the following activities: 
  • Shapes: What is a spiral? What form does it most resemble? Have students practice drawing spirals and various shapes. 
  • Nature hunt: Have students go outside and find spirals in nature. Bring them back into the classroom and create a display. 
  • Animals: Discuss some of the animals depicted in the book and how they use spirals in their lives: sleeping, protection, etc.
  • Science: Tornados are spirals. Create a tornado in a bottle. 
  • Art: Have younger students create a collage of spirals. Older students can experiment with their own scratchboard illustrations. 
  • Discussion: Where have you seen spirals before? Ask children to point out spirals on each page. Do you think a spiral would be a strong or weak shape? Can you think of any other spirals that aren't in the book? 

My Thoughts: 

   This is not a book that I would immediately think was non-fiction by looking at the cover. The illustrations make it seem more like a storybook and I think will be instrumental in grabbing the attention of many children. When children think of non-fiction books, a lot of them think "boring." The poem and illustrations in Swirl by Swirl, however, make this book anything but boring. 

Additional Resources: 

   Beth Krommes' website along with various wood engravings and scratchboard illustrations for children to view and be inspired by:

Book trailer: 

Sidman, J. (2011). Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children.

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